If you are looking for Cheap Granite Countertops for your projects, then China granites are the best choice. We are China granite countertop manufacturer and fabricator in Xiamen, China since 2009.
The Reason why your buying China Granite Slabs to make into countertops,will be more expensive than buying finished countertops made in China directly?
*The labor cost is one reason;
*Other reason is we cut the blocks to size but not big slabs.
… The cutting cost from blocks into big slabs is about $12 per m2 for 2cm slabs;
… but cut into size for standard widths (26″) is only $5 per m2 ($0.46 /sqft), islands will be a little higher cost.
…So the difference is $7 per m2 ($0.65 /sqft) that is at least 20% higher per m2 for whole project.
Here is cheap granite countertops cost calculator for your reference:
You can expect the 2cm cut to size countertops at $3 per sqft FOB XIAMEN, and $3.5 per sqft for 3cm. Plus the edges (standard eased, not laminted or mitered edges) + sink cutout + sealing + rods with cost about 20% of countertops cost that is $0.6 per sqft. That means FOB XIAMEN price for finished cheap granite countertops is about $4 per sqft.
Below are 4 china granites popular for cheap granite countertops with sufficient availability.